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Regional Centers
Since 1998, Polishing The Professional (PTP) has worked with Regional Centers to assist individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities find employment.
In 2007, PTP partnered with Regional Centers to help other local job placement agencies help clients with significant barriers prepare for and obtain work. During that time, the local programs averaged eight successful job placements per year while PTP helped nearly 300 participants prepare for and find satisfying work in competitive employment. Today, we continue that legacy.
If you are a client of your local regional center, or believe you are eligible for regional center services, our program services are provided to you at no cost!
About Regional Centers
California has 21 Regional Centers with more than 40 offices located throughout the state that serve individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Regional Centers are nonprofit corporations that contract with the Department of Developmental Services to provide or coordinate services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities. Regional Centers in-turn contract with local businesses to provide services their clients need. Polishing The Professional is one of those companies.
To be eligible for Polishing The Professional services through the Regional Center System, the clients must be deemed eligible and registered with their local regional center office. To be eligible for Regional Center services, a person must have a disability that began before their 18th birthday, be expected to continue indefinitely and present a substantial disability as defined in Section 4512 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code. Eligibility is established through diagnosis and assessment performed by regional center staff. If you believe you may be eligible for Regional Center services and need assistance, please consider contacting Polishing The Professional, we may be able to help you.
Services Provided
- Career Planning & Consulting
- Soft Skills Training
- Resume Writing
- Goal Setting
- Job Search
- Retention Support