[aheto_button icon_position=”right” add_icon=”true” layouts=”layout1″ url=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fot213.infusionsoft.com%2Fapp%2Fform%2Ftraining|title:Request%20Info|target:%20_blank|” icon_ionicons=”ion-android-arrow-forward”]
Polishing The Professional focuses on soft-skills – the immeasurable talents, which are intrinsic and fundamental to success. These traits are among the top reasons most people lose their jobs or can’t get in the door in the first place. Polishing The Professional offers a variety of training to help clients succeed in their respective careers. Our services are both online and in-person and available in a variety of modalities, as mentioned below.
[aheto_features-single template=”layout4″ s_heading=”The Secret to Success™” s_description=”The Secret to Success™ is a 45-minute presentation that provides training on what it takes to succeed, and it is FREE. If interested, please complete this interest form, and a representative will contact you to arrange a visit. Register here!” s_image=”1923″ link_url=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fpolishingtheprofessional.com%2Ftraining%2Fsecret_to_success.php|title:Learn%20More|target:%20_blank|”]
[aheto_features-single template=”layout4″ s_heading=”Job Club” s_description=”Join our monthly Job Club and receive FREE training to help you level up! Open to everyone, PTP has helped many individuals transform their professional lives. Register for Job Club It’s FREE!” s_image=”1393″ link_url=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fpolishingtheprofessional.com%2Ftraining%2Fjob_club.php|title:Learn%20More|target:%20_blank|”]
[aheto_features-single template=”layout4″ s_heading=”One to One Training” s_description=”One on one coaching is for participants who require flexibility, need more attention, or prefer the personalized services. Training services can be tailored to meet your specific needs—our most flexible and intensive training program.” s_image=”1916″ link_url=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fpolishingtheprofessional.com%2Ftraining%2Fone_to_one_consulting.php|title:Learn%20More|target:%20_blank|”]
[aheto_features-single template=”layout4″ s_heading=”Group Training” s_description=”Group training can provide services from 2 – 50 participants. Group training offers greater accessibility to this valuable training. The training cost per participant decreases, the more significant the size of the group. Besides, you will enjoy the camaraderie and support of your peers while learning and enhancing your professional life.” s_image=”1912″ link_url=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fpolishingtheprofessional.com%2Ftraining%2Fgroup-training.php|title:Learn%20More|target:%20_blank|” border_heading=”” box_heading=””]
[aheto_features-single template=”layout4″ s_heading=”Seminars” s_description=”Seminars are for groups of 51 or more, and this presentation is an excellent program for employers who require staff training, large groups, or membership programs who want to offer something special for members of their organizations.” s_image=”1917″ link_url=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fpolishingtheprofessional.com%2Ftraining%2Fseminar.php|title:Learn%20More|target:%20_blank|” border_heading=”” box_heading=””]
[aheto_features-single template=”layout4″ s_heading=”Webinars” s_description=”Whether on the go or you prefer to train from the comfort of your home, PTP offers virtual training to accommodate your demanding schedule. Register for one of our On-Demand or Instructor-led programs to enhance your skills.” s_image=”1918″ link_url=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fpolishingtheprofessional.com%2Ftraining%2Findex.php|title:Learn%20More|target:%20_blank|”]