Posts Tagged 'finance'

10 Side Hustles of 2021

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Want to make a little extra money? Here are 10 side hustles you can start at any time:

Selling your old stuff online.
Whether it is clothing sitting in the back of your closet or furniture collecting dust, you can sell almost any used item online. Given the numerous platforms, such as eBay, Poshmark, or Craigslist, there is a massive market for used items like clothing, collectibles, furniture, etc. It is an easy way ...

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The Road to Becoming Financially Self-Sufficient

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The Ticket To Work program’s primary goal is to support Social Security Beneficiaries, also know as ticket holders, to become financially self-sufficient. Once achieved, recipients are no longer dependent on benefits.

The Ticket to Work Program gives SSDI recipients a safety net to work without losing their benefits. Beneficiaries can keep their benefits while working towards gainful employment during a 9-month trial work period. In 2021, your earnings must be over $940 each month for it to be considered a trial ...

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