
9 Tips to Save Time Each Day

Isabella Coupet September 16, 2024 No Comments

You’re not alone if you have more to do than time to do those activities. Regardless of how much society advances with new technology that’s supposed to enable us to do more in less time, there never seems to be enough time to do everything required. What if you could add another hour or two to your day? How would you use that time?

While you can’t add time, you can free up additional moments with these techniques:

· Eliminate unnecessary tasks: Maybe you have too many things to do! Take a detailed look at your life and determine if there are any unnecessary tasks. There are bound to be a few things you can eliminate without negative impact.

· Delete social media accounts: Social media platforms can be valuable but also great timewasters. There’s also a lot of evidence that social media use can be harmful to your mental health. Consider deleting your social media accounts and picking up the phone occasionally to check in on your friends and family the old-fashioned way.

· Disable notifications: Do you need to be notified of every text, email, and app activity in real-time? Turn everything off and quickly peek every few hours to see if you’re missing something important.

· Avoid perfection: Some tasks require high attention, while others do not. It’s unnecessary to clean out your closet with the same level of perfection as a liver transplant surgeon. Ask yourself how well a task needs to be done and perform it with appropriate effort and detail.

· Ask yourself how to do this task better and faster: Are you sure you’re taking the best route to work? Are you cleaning your house efficiently? Think about every task you do regularly and search for a more efficient way of doing it.

· Outsource: It’s possible to outsource much of your life. No one can eat, sleep, or exercise, but you can pay others to do many things for you. Some people will clean, do laundry, mow grass, drive, shop, cook, do your taxes, and build your new deck for you. You might even have a partner or children that can carry some of your load.

· Schedule your day: A decent plan is a light year better than no plan. Think about what you need to accomplish and make a list. Stick to your list, and you’ll get more done in less time each day.

· Track your time: Where are you wasting time? How are you spending all of your time? If you’ve never looked hard at it, you might be surprised where your time is going. Spend a couple of days logging your tasks and how much time you spend on them. Pay particular attention to the time spent on electronic devices and other amusing activities.

· Consider your mealtimes: Eating takes more time than people realize. You have to shop for the food, cook it, eat it, and clean it up afterward. If you eat three meals a day, that’s a lot of time. Some meals are much quicker than others. A sandwich and an apple on a paper plate takes less time and work than roasting a chicken, making mashed potatoes, and washing pots and pans. Shop for foods that are easy to prepare and have minimal cleanup. Also, shop as infrequently as possible. Each trip to the store can take an hour or more.

Everyone gets the same 24 hours each day to live life. Whether your 24-hour day is easy and carefree or hectic, it’s also helpful to find additional time to use as you see fit. You can’t make a day last longer, but you create additional hours by being more effective and efficient and reducing unnecessary tasks and responsibilities.

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