
How the Use of Affirmations Can Melt Your Fears Away

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Affirmations can be a simple way to address your fears and make progress in a non-threatening way. Affirmations are just positive statements that you make to yourself that have the potential to change the way you think and behave.

Affirmations seem simple, but it is essential to understand the details needed to use them effectively. See how you can use affirmations as a valuable tool in overcoming fears:

Keep affirmations positive. Affirmations work better if they’re positive rather than negative. For example:

● ...

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The Secret to Having a Greater Impact at Work

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Do you pride yourself on meeting the expectations in your job description and completing tasks on time? That’s a great start, but if you want to stand out at work, you must go beyond fulfilling your job requirements.

In today’s employment market, many qualified applicants compete for limited openings. Even when you land a position, you must keep proving your worth.

Strengthening your skills and adding to your achievements makes you more competitive and gives you more security.

Discover the secret to impressing ...

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Modern Rules for Job Hunting Without a College Degree

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Are you tired of reading job ads that sound like an excellent match for you only to discover that they require a college degree? You might start feeling like you’re the only one who didn’t finish college.

The truth is that you have plenty of company. According to the US Census Bureau, two-thirds of American adults lack a bachelor’s degree. While higher education is enriching, it can also be challenging to afford.

You can have a satisfying career without a four-year degree. ...

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A Gentle Method for Overcoming Shyness

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Shyness is a common complaint, especially among school-age children. However, adults can also be shy and find their shyness a frustrating barrier to living life to the fullest. You might believe you were born shy; some science suggests that shyness is partially hereditary. However, you can learn to be less timid and to enjoy your life more. You weren’t born able to walk, talk, or ride a bike, but you still learned. You can learn to be more socially comfortable, ...

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6 Tips for a Faster Promotion

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So, you’ve been working in the same position for over a year, and no one has said anything to you about a promotion or increase in pay. There could be many reasons for a company not giving you a promotion or a raise; some of them are valid, such as a downturn in the company’s profits or even your job performance.

However, not all companies are suffering downturns. If your company is thriving but you still need to get a raise, ...

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