Do you pride yourself on meeting the expectations in your job description and completing tasks on time? That’s a great start, but if you want to stand out at work, you must go beyond fulfilling your job requirements.
In today’s employment market, many qualified applicants compete for limited openings. Even when you land a position, you must keep proving your worth.
Strengthening your skills and adding to your achievements makes you more competitive and gives you more security.
Discover the secret to impressing your boss while you widen your opportunities and develop your career. Try these three strategies for increasing your impact at work.
Cultivate Innovation and Creativity
Expectations are higher now, even for entry-level positions. You can find ways to increase quality and save money whether you work in the mailroom or a corner office.
These techniques will help you provide solutions with innovation and out-of-the-box thinking:
· Continue learning. You’re more likely to spot and resolve issues if you stay on top of developments in your field. Keep your technology skills up to date. Read industry publications and attend conferences.
· Clarify priorities. Focus on the areas where you can expect the most significant returns. Please talk with your boss about what matters most to them.
· Develop proposals. Be prepared before you present your ideas to your boss. Let’s offer several options. Try to identify possible obstacles and strategies and address them.
· Take risks. Embracing change can feel scary, but it’s essential for making progress. Remind yourself of what you have to gain. Start small and learn from your experiences.
Make Yourself Visible
Your accomplishments may not speak for themselves.
Use these tips to learn how to promote yourself effectively so others will take notice:
· Participate in meetings. Use Zoom calls and conference room sessions to deepen your office relationships and communications. Create a goal for each meeting and practice what you want to say. Questions can be just as helpful as statements.
· Choose your assignments, control your workday more, and volunteer for projects that align with your career goals.
· Network vigorously. Reach out to colleagues in your workplace and at other companies. Aim to meet someone for coffee or lunch at least twice a week.
· Manage your online presence. Do your social media pages convey the professional image you want? Tweak your LinkedIn profile by updating your headline and work samples. Check your keywords and add a new photo.
Help Others
Building up your colleagues is likely to bring you more happiness and success. Earn a reputation for being a team player.
Follow these strategies:
· Share feedback. Talking with others about their performance can be awkward, but it’s one of the most effective ways to help them. Provide specific and constructive input that they can act on. Be grateful when someone does the same for you.
· Provide recognition. Let your coworkers know when they’re doing a great job. Write a thank you message and copy their supervisor.
· Make referrals. Be generous with introductions and referrals. You may spark rewarding partnerships and reinforce your network.
· Pitch in. Offer your help without having to be asked. Tackle any remaining tasks necessary to meet a deadline or assemble an outstanding client presentation.
· Teach others. Your employer may have a formal mentoring program or welcome a new slate of interns each year. You can find ways to train others and pass along your knowledge and skills.
Find areas where you can excel and transform yourself into a more valuable employee. Having more impact at work will increase your job satisfaction and help you to advance toward your career goals.
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