Career Choices

Take Accountability and Take Back Your Power

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While fictional, George Washington’s confession to chopping down the cherry tree resonates deeply due to its portrayal of integrity and accountability. From childhood, many of us learned the importance of owning up to our actions rather than deflecting blame onto external factors.

However, embracing accountability can be daunting. Acknowledging our faults may feel threatening, as it exposes us to potential criticism and challenges our self-image. It’s tempting to shift responsibility onto external circumstances rather than face the reality of our actions.

Yet, ...

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Modern Rules For Moving Down the Career Ladder

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Many sources of career advice assume that you’ll be earning more money and taking on more responsibility. However, sometimes in life, you move in the opposite direction.

It can result from forces beyond your control or a voluntary decision. The economy is still recovering from the pandemic. However, some industries had more difficult times than others and haven’t recovered or survived. Even if you love your job and your company prosper, you may seek a change.

Whatever the reasons for resizing your ...

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A Foolproof Formula for Turning Your Creativity Into a Career

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You may want to turn your creativity into a career, but jokes about starving artists make you nervous. It is possible to make a living while making art

Whether you’re a drama student trying to figure out what to do after graduation or a professional thinking about making a career change, you can do something artistic with your life.

Find out how to channel your creative skills into a rewarding career.

Getting Started

While many paths exist to develop a creative career, the ...

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Encouraging Unemployed Friends

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Unemployment rates have soared to levels not seen since the Great Depression. With experts predicting further job losses, chances are high that you know someone who is currently unemployed or will be facing joblessness soon.

Understanding how to support and encourage them during this challenging time effectively can make a significant difference. Moreover, it might equip you with valuable insights that could prove invaluable should you find yourself in a similar situation.

So, how can you best support them? Here are some ...

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How to Deal with Feuding Coworkers

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Ensuring a smooth work life often hinges on the quality of your relationships with your coworkers. However, you might find yourself in a challenging position when involved in conflicts.

An office romance has turned sour, or two junior account executives compete for one promotion. Forty hours of togetherness each week is too much for incompatible personalities.

Whatever the causes, office conflicts often create stress and lower productivity.

How do you decide whether to intervene or keep your distance? Take a look at these ...

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The Secret to Networking When You Get a New Job

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It’s tempting to kick back when you land a new job. After all, you’ve probably been consumed with chasing down leads and going on interviews. Now, you want to catch up on fun stuff like hanging out with friends and watching Netflix. 

However, you could be missing a great opportunity if you take a break now. A job transition is an ideal time to strengthen your network. 

You’ll enjoy your rest and relaxation even more if you take care of business first. ...

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How To Avoid Getting Stuck in a Mid-Career Rut

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After you’ve been working for 20 years or more, it’s natural to assume that you know how to manage your career. However, a study by Harvard Business Review found that mid-career professionals that feel stuck need help to avoid being undervalued and overworked. 

The researchers found that professionals between the ages of 40 and 48 were the group most likely to make work decisions that led to less-than-successful outcomes. 

This was partly due to the pressures of keeping up with ...

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Say Goodbye to Feeling Lonely at Work

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If you feel lonely at work, you’re not alone. In fact, it may be the natural result of technology that reduces face to face interactions and increases the number of remote employees.

It’s a subject that’s receiving more attention lately. Although, research suggests that loneliness affects the whole company as well as the individual employee. In addition to making you feel blue, it lowers your productivity and creates stress for the rest of your team.

Keep in mind ...

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How to Help Others Achieve Career Success

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One of the most rewarding experiences for many people is helping someone else achieve success. You can do this in many ways. Among the best is finding a way to help someone with their career. A fulfilling career can produce a lifetime of joy; you can help others experience that joy with some effort.  

When you help others achieve career success, you give them a priceless gift. There are many ways for you to help others advance their career in a ...

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9 Things To Do Before Quitting Your Job

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It’s time to move on to greener pastures! It can be exciting to leave one job for another. 

However, you can’t just turn out the lights and wave goodbye on your way out to the parking lot. There are several actions that need to be taken to ensure a smooth transition for you and your replacement. It’s professional and intelligent to leave your company in a positive way. 

Take these necessary steps to leave your company properly: 

  1. Have another job lined up. ...
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