Career Tips

Mastering The Art Of Online Presence For Career Growth

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If you want to advance in your career, one of the best ways to do that is by appearing online. These days, employers are looking online. Employers use professional networking sites such as LinkedIn to look for job candidates. 

Not only that, but building an online presence can help grow your network beyond the office or region where you work. Online communities and social media allow you to interact with others in your field — regardless of location. With a stronger ...

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Avoid These 10 Big Career Mistakes

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Your mom told you it’s okay to make mistakes, but that’s not always true. Sometimes success depends more on making fewer mistakes rather than doing something spectacular. Mistakes can matter, and they can matter a lot. 

Did you know the 200th-best tennis player wins about 49% of his points? What percentage of points does the number one player in the world win? 53% The difference between barely scraping by and being the best in the world is making 4% fewer mistakes, ...

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5 Ways to Make a Good Impression on a New Boss

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You have landed the job of your dreams, but are you out of the woods? Well, not quite. You might have nailed the interview and impressed the hiring manager, but you still have to make a good impression on your new boss if you want a prosperous future with the company. 

Getting off on the right foot with a new boss can be tricky. You do not want your boss to see you as a pushover, but you also want to ...

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How to Choose a Career You Will Love

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Work is called work for a reason. However, the right career can help make your life more fulfilling. Making a wise choice can enable you to avoid misery and find a lifestyle you enjoy. 

The wrong choice can lead to financial challenges, and it’s not fun to go to a job you don’t like daily.  

Use these ideas to choose a career that’s right for you: 

  1. What do you like to do? Unless you’re fortunate, you’ll be working for quite a ...
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How To Ask for A Job Promotion, The Right Way

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Most people would love to get a promotion at least once or twice. It’s not just an opportunity to earn more money. A promotion is also a chance to put your skills to the test and explore different challenges.  

You might even find that promotion helps you achieve your dream job, where you spend more time doing the things you enjoy and less time on repetitive tasks. 

Unfortunately, getting the promotion you deserve isn’t always as simple as it seems. You can ...

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How To Dress For A Video Interview

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In an age of remote and hybrid work, it is becoming increasingly common for interviews to happen virtually. Most of today’s business leaders, hiring managers, and recruitment companies find they can save a lot of time and effort by conducting interviews via video. 

As of January 2021, approximately 79% of companies conduct video interviews regularly. That is good news for many job candidates. It means you do not have to travel to distant locations to find an office or risk getting ...

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How to Avoid These 8 Common Mistakes in Your Career

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Your career will not manage itself even after you land your dream job. No matter if you are a superstar at work, you can make mistakes that harm, or even end, your career. You spend a lot of time at work, and it would be a shame to undo your efforts by creating an easily avoidable mistake. 

Avoid these mistakes that harm your career: 

  1. Undervaluing your worth: Avoid being afraid to ask for a raise or a promotion if you ...
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How To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Attract Recruiters

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Almost 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates, but most job seekers overlook this valuable opportunity. If you are like many seeking a new career, you probably created a LinkedIn profile to send out job applications in attempts to crack the interview invite. Most of us are not aware of how much LinkedIn can help advance your career rather than just sending out an application.  

Take charge of your future and attract attention from potential employers. Follow these tips ...

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Three Effective Ways to Develop Better Relationships with Colleagues

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You spend most of your waking life at work, so you might as well make the most of that time! How can you do that? One way is to form better relationships with your workmates. 

There are many benefits to having friends at work. It’s easier to progress in your career, you end up befriending people you’d never otherwise meet, and you enjoy going to work more. So how do you become good friends with your workmates? 

Implement these tips to ...

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Pros and Cons to Disclosing a Disability to an Employer

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One of the hardest things about having a disability is disclosing it. Some individuals with disabilities can go about each day without having to disclose it in a typical social setting. Aside from worrying about the apparent signs of a disability, some manage most of their symptoms privately. However, getting and maintaining a job is a challenge for most individuals with disabilities.  

Should you disclose your disability, and if so, when is the right time to tell an employer about your ...

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