
How To Return to the Office: Remote Worker’s Guide

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Once you’ve gotten used to working at home, returning to the office requires more than trading in your bunny slippers for dress shoes. The sooner you start planning for the transition, the easier it will be to cope shifting from remote work.

Maybe it’s your idea to go back because you want to build your network or increase your job security. Maybe your employer is changing their policies. IBM and Best Buy are just two examples of big companies that ...

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How To Avoid Getting Stuck in a Mid-Career Rut

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After you’ve been working for 20 years or more, it’s natural to assume that you know how to manage your career. However, a study by Harvard Business Review found that mid-career professionals that feel stuck need help to avoid being undervalued and overworked. 

The researchers found that professionals between the ages of 40 and 48 were the group most likely to make work decisions that led to less-than-successful outcomes. 

This was partly due to the pressures of keeping up with ...

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9 Things To Do Before Quitting Your Job

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It’s time to move on to greener pastures! It can be exciting to leave one job for another. 

However, you can’t just turn out the lights and wave goodbye on your way out to the parking lot. There are several actions that need to be taken to ensure a smooth transition for you and your replacement. It’s professional and intelligent to leave your company in a positive way. 

Take these necessary steps to leave your company properly: 

  1. Have another job ...
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11 Tips If You’re Working in a Declining Industry

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What happens when your job performance is outstanding, but your field is on life support? If you’re a print journalist or a telephone operator you may feel uncertain about your future. Working in a declining industry can make it difficult to earn a living and limit your opportunities. 

While different kinds of businesses have come and gone throughout history, the pace is picking up. A recent study by the employment website CareerBuilder found that 121 occupations in ...

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13 Tips to Make Your Next Networking Event a Success

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You know that networking is vital for your career, but you may still be hesitant to attend networking events. Maybe you’ve had your share of expensive conferences that seemed like a waste of time. Maybe you’re wondering if LinkedIn and other social media are enough on their own. 

The truth is that face to face communications still carry more weight than emails and texts. Plus, events can be an efficient way to meet a large number of potential contacts in a short time. 

Come home ...

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How to Cope With Changes in Careers While Parenting

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Parenting and working can be highly challenging, especially when dealing with a career change. However, it’s important to remember that you are not alone on this journey. Without a doubt, there are plenty of people who want to see you succeed. 

Here are some tips to help you cope with changes in your career while parenting: 

  1. Do not be afraid to ask for help. There are many resources available to help you transition into a new career. Ask your ...
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Secret to Applying for Jobs When You May Be Under-Qualified 

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You’ve probably encountered exciting job openings, but you notice that you lack some of the desired qualifications. Is it okay to apply anyway? In most cases, it’s worth taking a chance. Of course, there are some exceptions, like when you have to be an attorney or know how to play the violin. Otherwise, seeing if you can re-frame your background to address the employer’s needs is usually a matter of seeing. Many employment advertisements are more like wish lists than ...

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Pros and Cons to Disclosing a Disability to an Employer

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One of the hardest things about having a disability is disclosing it. Some individuals with disabilities can go about each day without having to disclose it in a typical social setting. Aside from worrying about the apparent signs of a disability, some manage most of their symptoms privately. However, getting and maintaining a job is a challenge for most individuals with disabilities.  

Should you disclose your disability, and if so, when is the right time to tell an employer about your ...

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Benefits of WISE

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If you receive social security benefits, you may have heard of WISE (Work Incentives Seminar Events) webinars. These are free webinars that go over various topics that are beneficial to social security beneficiaries. They cover a wide range of subjects. Last month’s topic was Ticket to Work and the Path to Employment. You can register for this month’s WISE webinar here: https://choosework.ssa.gov/wise/


WISE is known to be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. If you miss a webinar, ...

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Comparing TTW and Regional Center Services

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Polishing the Professional offers several different services to help our clients land gainful employment. Two of these services are at no cost to you. These are our Regional Center and Ticket to Work services.

Regional Center

Regional center clients receive work readiness training, job placement support, and long-term support through vocational services.

Work readiness training consists of our pre-employment training program. We make sure our regional center clients know how to answer interview questions and conduct themselves in an interview. If they need ...

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