Personal Development

How to Avoid These 8 Common Mistakes in Your Career

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Your career will not manage itself even after you land your dream job. No matter if you are a superstar at work, you can make mistakes that harm, or even end, your career. You spend a lot of time at work, and it would be a shame to undo your efforts by creating an easily avoidable mistake. 

Avoid these mistakes that harm your career: 

  1. Undervaluing your worth: Avoid being afraid to ask for a raise or a promotion if you ...
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Finding Balance in your Personal and Professional Life

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I believe emotional health is a very important part of our overall health and well-being. Both personally and professionally, people who are emotionally healthy are most often in control of their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors- at least they should be. They’re able to cope with great difficulties, such as sickness, deaths, and life’s major highs and lows. They can stay focused and on task when handling problems and maintain the proper perspective to bounce back from any setbacks. 

Just to ...

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Soft Skills: Why They are Important in the Workplace

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According to the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), a soft skill is a tool you can use in relationships in and out of the workplace- also known as Interpersonal Skills. Just how is a soft skill useful at work? It makes collaboration amongst colleagues possible. Examples of soft skills are effective communication, leadership, and teamwork skills, the ability to problem-solve, take initiative and stay motivated, and possess strong work ethics and honesty. 

I am a strong believer that ...

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How to Set SMART Goals in 2022 

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What goals did you set for 2022? Do you find yourself struggling to accomplish your goals? Or maybe you’re someone who didn’t make goals for the new year because you’re still trying to achieve your goals from last year. One thing that is certain, we’ve all recently experienced enough “different” to last us a while. Covid-19 has brought many changes upon the world. People are taking it one day at a time simply because they aren’t sure of what tomorrow ...

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Why This Pandemic is Teaching Us the Importance of Self-Love

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Feeling Your Emotions Is an Act of Self-Love 

This lingering pandemic is teaching us many lessons, the least of which is we can’t hide from ourselves anymore. When isolated during restrictions, we must face our trauma. There is no other way. It is an act of courage to deal with our emotions without fearing or running away from them. For in deferring our complex emotions, we postpone our healing. Can you identify? For example, have you been coping with being isolated ...

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