
Secret to Applying for Jobs When You May Be Under-Qualified 

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You’ve probably encountered exciting job openings, but you notice that you lack some of the desired qualifications. Is it okay to apply anyway? In most cases, it’s worth taking a chance. Of course, there are some exceptions, like when you have to be an attorney or know how to play the violin. Otherwise, seeing if you can re-frame your background to address the employer’s needs is usually a matter of seeing. Many employment advertisements are more like wish lists than ...

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6 Thought Provoking Questions To Break Free From Being Stuck

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Being stuck is like being in a dark hole. You want to climb out of it but can not see anything or find a rope or ladder. It overwhelms you with feelings of fear, anxiety, and confusion. The world seems to speed past while you stay exactly where you are. However, you realize the need to get out of your current situation, but you feel held back by an even stronger desire to do nothing to change your condition. 

The ...

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How to Use Social Media to Find Your Next Job

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Social media is all the rage. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more seem everywhere. In social media like these, we get constant updates about the relevant and not-so-relevant aspects of everyone’s lives. Here, we’ll consider a practical application of social media: finding your next job. 

Social media gives you great tools for sharing information electronically with a potentially huge audience.  

Try these strategies to help you land a great job: 

  1. Focus your attention on people instead of companies. For instance, ...
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The Secret to Receiving More Invitations to Interview

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The average job search currently takes about five months. That can seem like a very long time if you are not seeing any results for your efforts. Getting more invitations to interview can help you stay motivated. 

There are other benefits too. You can expand your network and learn more about your industry. Plus, each interview allows you to practice for the crucial time you will get your desired job offer. 

Are you tired of sending out applications without hearing anything back? ...

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5 Expert Tips for Successful Job Interviews

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It’s exciting to make it past the resume and job application phase. However, being invited to a job interview can feel exhilarating and it can also feel nerve-wracking. Now that you have passed the initial stage, it’s time to make the best first impression to take the next step. 

Additionally, you can shift your perspective: during the beginning of the job application phase, you are just the words on your resume and cover letter. Being invited to an interview is an ...

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Avoid These 10 Big Career Mistakes

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Your mom told you it’s okay to make mistakes, but that’s not always true. Sometimes success depends more on making fewer mistakes rather than doing something spectacular. Mistakes can matter, and they can matter a lot. 

Did you know the 200th-best tennis player wins about 49% of his points? What percentage of points does the number one player in the world win? 53% The difference between barely scraping by and being the best in the world is making 4% fewer mistakes, ...

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How to Avoid These 8 Common Mistakes in Your Career

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Your career will not manage itself even after you land your dream job. No matter if you are a superstar at work, you can make mistakes that harm, or even end, your career. You spend a lot of time at work, and it would be a shame to undo your efforts by creating an easily avoidable mistake. 

Avoid these mistakes that harm your career: 

  1. Undervaluing your worth: Avoid being afraid to ask for a raise or a promotion if you ...
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Three Effective Ways to Develop Better Relationships with Colleagues

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You spend most of your waking life at work, so you might as well make the most of that time! How can you do that? One way is to form better relationships with your workmates. 

There are many benefits to having friends at work. It’s easier to progress in your career, you end up befriending people you’d never otherwise meet, and you enjoy going to work more. So how do you become good friends with your workmates? 

Implement these tips to ...

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Eliminating Debt

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Are you overwhelmed by debt? If so, you need to read this article. It will help you get back on the road to financial freedom. Regardless of how far you’ve gone off the rail, you can get yourself out of debt with the right plan.

Below are a few strategies to reduce your debt:

1. Buy what you need and what you can afford. To keep from accumulating mounds of debt, purchase what you need only and what you can afford. Don’t ...

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Finding Work In A Competitive Market

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LOOKING FOR A JOB IS A DIFFICULT JOB! It requires one to work day in and day out to find work. It is called the “Competitive Market” for a reason. There is an enormous amount of competition, even for entry-level jobs. Recently, McDonald’s had a national hiring day to employ over 50,000 new associates. Hundreds of thousands of people showed up to get these jobs. Most were not managerial positions, but crew member positions and the competition was enormous. There ...

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