Posts Tagged 'confidence'

How To Dress For A Video Interview

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In an age of remote and hybrid work, it is becoming increasingly common for interviews to happen virtually. Most of today’s business leaders, hiring managers, and recruitment companies find they can save a lot of time and effort by conducting interviews via video. 

As of January 2021, approximately 79% of companies conduct video interviews regularly. That is good news for many job candidates. It means you do not have to travel to distant locations to find an office or risk getting ...

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Four Tough Job Interview Questions and How to Handle Them

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Congratulations on cracking the interview for your dream job! It’s time to let your potential employer know why you are an outstanding candidate. First, let’s talk about those tough but typical interview questions and how to get through them. 

Describing Your Setbacks or Weaknesses 

“Tell me about your weaknesses?” is one of the most dreaded questions. While you’re trying to impress the interviewer with your strengths, naturally they want to know about the areas that need growth. Follow these tips to ...

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Do My Fears Limit My Success?

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“If the plan doesn’t work, change your plans. But keep your goal; it should not change.” 

What do you think is stopping you from experiencing massive success? The kind of success that happens to just a few people in a lifetime. The type of success that allows you to bless your family and loved ones? To create and perpetuate generational success means putting away all fears which so quickly derails us. 

Someone once said that fear is only “False Evidence Appearing Real.” ...

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Born to be a 10: The Journey to Success

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Have you ever wondered what you think about who you are? Many people are taught that their self-worth depends on their accomplishments, and their value in life is due to their contributions to society. When we do well, we are awesome; when that does not happen, we are losers. 

Is it any wonder an executive with a college education working in a high-rise building making a six-figure income feels like he is on top of the world? Conversely, a homeless man ...

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How to Present Yourself Professionally at Work

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Looking professional can have a significant impact on your confidence, as well as how people view you and your work. If you want to up your professional game, here are some valuable tips for your work-wear and business uniform.  

Capsule Wardrobe  

There’s been a global shift against unnecessary consumerism, and with that is the desire for a simple capsule wardrobe. Capsule wardrobes are simply a wardrobe filled with 37 items per season – timeless items you can mix and match that you ...

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10 Tips to Increase Your Self-Confidence

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Self-confidence is an essential key to success in any walk of life. People with self-confidence get noticed more, and as a result,  they achieve their goals relatively easily. In contrast, people who lack self-confidence often end up on the losing end of life. You, too, need to build your self-confidence if you want to do well in life. Here are ten tips that can help you improve that elusive self-confidence.

1. Self-confidence is found in people who have healthy self-esteem. They ...

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