Posts Tagged 'how to restart a career after a long break'

How to Help Others Achieve Career Success

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One of the most rewarding experiences for many people is helping someone else achieve success. You can do this in many ways. Among the best is finding a way to help someone with their career. A fulfilling career can produce a lifetime of joy; you can help others experience that joy with some effort.  

When you help others achieve career success, you give them a priceless gift. There are many ways for you to help others advance their career in a ...

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You’re Not Too Old For A Gap Year

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You’ve probably heard of teenagers taking a gap year, where they take a short break between high school and college to sort out their future plans. For now, a growing number of adults are taking a strategic break and putting their careers on hold for a gap year.

Many recent graduates are taking longer to land their first job. Older professionals who have been laid off are facing retirement earlier than they expected. For others, it’s an intentional search for new ...

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8 Easy Ways to Boost Your Career

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You can make great strides in your career without spending long days and nights at the office. Alternatively, advancing your career is the result of several small strategies. However, none of these tips are likely to make a significant difference alone. The results, are impactful when combined.

Boost your career and increase your paycheck with these strategies: 

  1. Be reliable. We’ve all worked with untrustworthy employees. For instance, he was the one person that you knew wouldn’t be able to ...
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Don’t Make a Late-Life Career Change Until You Read This

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Changing careers can feel a bit intimidating at any age. That is especially true when considering making a significant transition late in life. Then again, recent trends suggest that your chances for success may be greater than you think. 

The American Institute for Economic Research survey found that more than 80% of respondents said they could launch a new career after age 45. Most could increase their income over time even when they had to take an initial pay cut. 

What does ...

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7 Successful Tips To Change Careers

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Weather forecasters can not reliably predict the weather three days from now. How are 22-year-olds supposed to pick the right careers for the next 40-plus years? Most of us will contemplate a career change at some point. It might be a conscious decision, or the loss of a job might be the genesis of a difference. 

The thought of a new career path can be both exciting and daunting. However, the risk and reward can both be high. A practical approach ...

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5 Expert Tips for Successful Job Interviews

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It’s exciting to make it past the resume and job application phase. However, being invited to a job interview can feel exhilarating and it can also feel nerve-wracking. Now that you have passed the initial stage, it’s time to make the best first impression to take the next step. 

Additionally, you can shift your perspective: during the beginning of the job application phase, you are just the words on your resume and cover letter. Being invited to an interview is an ...

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Mastering The Art Of Online Presence For Career Growth

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If you want to advance in your career, one of the best ways to do that is by appearing online. These days, employers are looking online. Employers use professional networking sites such as LinkedIn to look for job candidates. 

Not only that, but building an online presence can help grow your network beyond the office or region where you work. Online communities and social media allow you to interact with others in your field — regardless of location. With a stronger ...

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