Career Choices

A 10 Minute Guide to Brushing Up Your Management Skills

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Maybe you dream about moving up into a management position. However, you’ll soon find that many employers are seeking all the traditional hard skills along with more intangible qualities. The good news is that most of these capabilities are things you can learn with practice. 

Take a look at what qualifications you need to advance to the C-suite and how to develop those skills. 

Hard Skills for Management Positions 

  1. Understand finance. You’ll need to be able to use accounting information ...
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13 Tips to Make Your Next Networking Event a Success

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You know that networking is vital for your career, but you may still be hesitant to attend networking events. Maybe you’ve had your share of expensive conferences that seemed like a waste of time. Maybe you’re wondering if LinkedIn and other social media are enough on their own. 

The truth is that face to face communications still carry more weight than emails and texts. Plus, events can be an efficient way to meet a large number of potential contacts in a short time. 

Come home ...

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How To Master Your Job Search with These 3 Essential Strategies

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When looking for a job these days, installing the newest recruitment app or learning the most popular programming language may be the first thing that comes to mind. While these tactics are valuable, it also pays to remember simple steps that can be overshadowed by the latest job trends. 

Increase your chances of landing your dream job. Apply these 3 basic strategies to your employment hunt. 

Enhance Your Communications: 

The internet has made it easier to apply for jobs and gather relevant ...

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How to Revitalize a Cold Network Connection

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What is the temperature of your personal network? Cold? Warm? Hot? If you only reach out to your contacts when you’re looking for a job, you may be disappointed with the results. 

It’s easy to get busy with other things and realize you’ve fallen out of touch with important colleagues. However, it’s natural for your contacts to be less than enthusiastic if they only hear from you when you’re asking for a favor. 

Regular communication will strengthen your relationships, and there are ...

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How to Network Like a Boss, Even if You’re Unemployed

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Networking is especially urgent when you’re out of work. However, that can also be the most difficult time to try to stay connected. You may feel uncomfortable discussing your situation, and you probably lack the money for expensive conferences and business lunches.

There are many ways to maintain and strengthen your professional network without shaking your confidence or draining your bank account. Try these ideas for reaching out to those who can help you advance your career.

Preparing to Network When ...

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Think Twice Before Exaggerating on Your Resume

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There’s a lot of pressure to embellish your resume but lying about your qualifications could be disastrous. You may be confused about where to draw the line, especially if you’re new to the job market or returning after some time off. 

If so, you have plenty of company. About 46% of adults know someone who has included false information on a resume, according to a survey by the staffing firm OfficeTeam. 

It’s a disturbing situation because the risks and consequences of getting ...

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Master the Art of Weekend Job Hunting with These 3 Expert Strategies

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There’s some truth to the adage that the more time you spend looking for work, the shorter your job search will be. With that in mind, you might want to avoid taking 2 days off each week while you’re waiting for business to resume on Monday morning. 

Fortunately, there are worthwhile things you can do on the weekend that will help you land your next position sooner. Start with these 3 strategies suitable for Saturdays and Sundays. 

Networking on Weekends: 

Networking is ...

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You’re Not Too Old For A Gap Year

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You’ve probably heard of teenagers taking a gap year, where they take a short break between high school and college to sort out their future plans. For now, a growing number of adults are taking a strategic break and putting their careers on hold for a gap year.

Many recent graduates are taking longer to land their first job. Older professionals who have been laid off are facing retirement earlier than they expected. For others, it’s an intentional search for new ...

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8 Easy Ways to Boost Your Career

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You can make great strides in your career without spending long days and nights at the office. Alternatively, advancing your career is the result of several small strategies. However, none of these tips are likely to make a significant difference alone. The results, are impactful when combined.

Boost your career and increase your paycheck with these strategies: 

  1. Be reliable. We’ve all worked with untrustworthy employees. For instance, he was the one person that you knew wouldn’t be able to ...
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New Year, New Career: A Guide to Elevating Your Professional Journey in 2024 

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As the year comes to an end, the holidays season serves as the perfect time to reflect and renew your goals. In light of embracing the endless possibilities that the new year brings, let’s start a journey to elevate our professional lives as well as our personal lives. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up meaningful career opportunities and adopting habits that contribute to your success in 2024. 

Reflecting on the Past Year 

Before ...

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