Posts Tagged 'interview tips for fresh graduate'

You’re Not Too Old For A Gap Year

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You’ve probably heard of teenagers taking a gap year, where they take a short break between high school and college to sort out their future plans. For now, a growing number of adults are taking a strategic break and putting their careers on hold for a gap year.

Many recent graduates are taking longer to land their first job. Older professionals who have been laid off are facing retirement earlier than they expected. For others, it’s an intentional search for new ...

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8 Easy Ways to Boost Your Career

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You can make great strides in your career without spending long days and nights at the office. Alternatively, advancing your career is the result of several small strategies. However, none of these tips are likely to make a significant difference alone. The results, are impactful when combined.

Boost your career and increase your paycheck with these strategies: 

  1. Be reliable. We’ve all worked with untrustworthy employees. For instance, he was the one person that you knew wouldn’t be able to ...
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Quick Tips for Successful Career Development

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 Your manager, boss, or supervisor isn’t responsible for your career. While these people can give you access to more opportunities or help you grow – it’s up to you to decide what you’ll do to ensure your success.  

If you’re keen to make more of an impact in your chosen career, starting with some planning is essential. Ask yourself regularly what you want to accomplish in your professional life and take steps to figure out how you’re going to reach those ...

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Secret to Applying for Jobs When You May Be Under-Qualified 

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You’ve probably encountered exciting job openings, but you notice that you lack some of the desired qualifications. Is it okay to apply anyway? In most cases, it’s worth taking a chance. Of course, there are some exceptions, like when you have to be an attorney or know how to play the violin. Otherwise, seeing if you can re-frame your background to address the employer’s needs is usually a matter of seeing. Many employment advertisements are more like wish lists than ...

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6 Thought Provoking Questions To Break Free From Being Stuck

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Being stuck is like being in a dark hole. You want to climb out of it but can not see anything or find a rope or ladder. It overwhelms you with feelings of fear, anxiety, and confusion. The world seems to speed past while you stay exactly where you are. However, you realize the need to get out of your current situation, but you feel held back by an even stronger desire to do nothing to change your condition. 

The ...

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What To Do When You Get a Video Job Interview?

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Video job interviews are becoming more common because they are cost-efficient and convenient. A 2012 Office Team survey found that 66.7% of human resource managers say they often use video interviews in the hiring process. 

Yet, studies also show that companies and job candidates rate each other lower when they meet on Skype rather than face-to-face. However, like any technology, this method has both pros and cons. Use these suggestions to make the most of a video job interview. 

Advantages of ...

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The Secret to Receiving More Invitations to Interview

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The average job search currently takes about five months. That can seem like a very long time if you are not seeing any results for your efforts. Getting more invitations to interview can help you stay motivated. 

There are other benefits too. You can expand your network and learn more about your industry. Plus, each interview allows you to practice for the crucial time you will get your desired job offer. 

Are you tired of sending out applications without hearing anything back? ...

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5 Expert Tips for Successful Job Interviews

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It’s exciting to make it past the resume and job application phase. However, being invited to a job interview can feel exhilarating and it can also feel nerve-wracking. Now that you have passed the initial stage, it’s time to make the best first impression to take the next step. 

Additionally, you can shift your perspective: during the beginning of the job application phase, you are just the words on your resume and cover letter. Being invited to an interview is an ...

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Mastering The Art Of Online Presence For Career Growth

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If you want to advance in your career, one of the best ways to do that is by appearing online. These days, employers are looking online. Employers use professional networking sites such as LinkedIn to look for job candidates. 

Not only that, but building an online presence can help grow your network beyond the office or region where you work. Online communities and social media allow you to interact with others in your field — regardless of location. With a stronger ...

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