Posts Tagged 'success'

Master the Art of Weekend Job Hunting with These 3 Expert Strategies

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There’s some truth to the adage that the more time you spend looking for work, the shorter your job search will be. With that in mind, you might want to avoid taking 2 days off each week while you’re waiting for business to resume on Monday morning. 

Fortunately, there are worthwhile things you can do on the weekend that will help you land your next position sooner. Start with these 3 strategies suitable for Saturdays and Sundays. 

Networking on Weekends: 

Networking is ...

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Reflecting on Legacy and Impact: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so let’s take a moment to honor the life and legacy of one of the most influential figures in the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is not just a day off from work or school; it’s a day to reflect on the profound impact of Dr. King’s work and to consider how we, as a society and individuals, can continue to strive for equality and justice.

The Legacy of ...

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New Year, New Career: A Guide to Elevating Your Professional Journey in 2024 

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As the year comes to an end, the holidays season serves as the perfect time to reflect and renew your goals. In light of embracing the endless possibilities that the new year brings, let’s start a journey to elevate our professional lives as well as our personal lives. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up meaningful career opportunities and adopting habits that contribute to your success in 2024. 

Reflecting on the Past Year 

Before ...

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Deck the Halls of Your Career: How To Navigate the Professional Workplace During the Holidays

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The holiday season is upon us, and while visions of table gatherings at home excite our hearts, there’s no denying that the professional world is not immune to the festive spirit. In this blog post, we’ll unwrap the subtle impact of Christmas season in the professional realm. We will explore workplace holiday traditions and valuable career lessons from the holiday’s practices. Additionally, we’ll dive into strategies to overcome holiday work stress to create a positive work environment during this joyful ...

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How to Cope With Changes in Careers While Parenting

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Parenting and working can be highly challenging, especially when dealing with a career change. However, it’s important to remember that you are not alone on this journey. Without a doubt, there are plenty of people who want to see you succeed. 

Here are some tips to help you cope with changes in your career while parenting: 

  1. Do not be afraid to ask for help. There are many resources available to help you transition into a new career. Ask your ...
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Transform Your Career by Developing Emotional Intelligence

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As more studies show that emotional intelligence improves employee productivity and job performance, it becomes a more coveted skill in the office. 

Emotional intelligence is when you can understand the emotions of yourself and others and manage your feelings well. Undoubtedly, it shows a healthy balance between intelligence and self-awareness. 

Emotional intelligence is an important asset. Studies have shown that emotional intelligence training improves employee productivity. However, that may be because emotional intelligence reflects an ability to make better decisions, problem-solving ...

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How to Successfully Pursue Your Vision of Career

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Having a rewarding career depends upon pursuing your vision of professional success. Otherwise, you are likely to spend your days trying to live up to the expectations of others or mindlessly drifting from one job to the next. 

Of course, success itself means different things to different people. For some, earning more money and climbing the corporate ladder is a matter. For others, it is more about stretching their skills and contributing to society.  

Make your work life more satisfying and build ...

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Secret to Applying for Jobs When You May Be Under-Qualified 

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You’ve probably encountered exciting job openings, but you notice that you lack some of the desired qualifications. Is it okay to apply anyway? In most cases, it’s worth taking a chance. Of course, there are some exceptions, like when you have to be an attorney or know how to play the violin. Otherwise, seeing if you can re-frame your background to address the employer’s needs is usually a matter of seeing. Many employment advertisements are more like wish lists than ...

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6 Thought Provoking Questions To Break Free From Being Stuck

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Being stuck is like being in a dark hole. You want to climb out of it but can not see anything or find a rope or ladder. It overwhelms you with feelings of fear, anxiety, and confusion. The world seems to speed past while you stay exactly where you are. However, you realize the need to get out of your current situation, but you feel held back by an even stronger desire to do nothing to change your condition. 

The ...

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What To Do When You Get a Video Job Interview?

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Video job interviews are becoming more common because they are cost-efficient and convenient. A 2012 Office Team survey found that 66.7% of human resource managers say they often use video interviews in the hiring process. 

Yet, studies also show that companies and job candidates rate each other lower when they meet on Skype rather than face-to-face. However, like any technology, this method has both pros and cons. Use these suggestions to make the most of a video job interview. 

Advantages of ...

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