Personal Development

5-Minute Guide to Boost Your Happy Hormones 

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Understanding your happy hormones could help you to enhance your emotional wellbeing. Substances like dopamine and serotonin play a significant role in regulating your moods. 

What are hormones? They’re messengers secreted by your glands and carried through your bloodstream. Even in tiny amounts, they can cause major changes in your body. However, they also need to be kept in balance because they interact closely with each other. 

You can usually keep them functioning well by using gentle, natural methods or following your ...

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New Year, New Career: A Guide to Elevating Your Professional Journey in 2024 

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As the year comes to an end, the holidays season serves as the perfect time to reflect and renew your goals. In light of embracing the endless possibilities that the new year brings, let’s start a journey to elevate our professional lives as well as our personal lives. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up meaningful career opportunities and adopting habits that contribute to your success in 2024. 

Reflecting on the Past Year 

Before ...

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Quick Tips for Successful Career Development

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 Your manager, boss, or supervisor isn’t responsible for your career. While these people can give you access to more opportunities or help you grow – it’s up to you to decide what you’ll do to ensure your success.  

If you’re keen to make more of an impact in your chosen career, starting with some planning is essential. Ask yourself regularly what you want to accomplish in your professional life and take steps to figure out how you’re going to reach those ...

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Building a Career with a New Passion

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It’s no secret that many people are unhappy with their jobs. A recent study by Gallup found that only 13% of workers worldwide are engaged in their work. Without a doubt, most people are not passionate about their jobs. 

So how can you find work you love? And once you identify it, how can you build a career around it? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions, but you can do a few things to increase your chances of ...

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Transform Your Career by Developing Emotional Intelligence

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As more studies show that emotional intelligence improves employee productivity and job performance, it becomes a more coveted skill in the office. 

Emotional intelligence is when you can understand the emotions of yourself and others and manage your feelings well. Undoubtedly, it shows a healthy balance between intelligence and self-awareness. 

Emotional intelligence is an important asset. Studies have shown that emotional intelligence training improves employee productivity. However, that may be because emotional intelligence reflects an ability to make better decisions, problem-solving ...

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How to Successfully Pursue Your Vision of Career

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Having a rewarding career depends upon pursuing your vision of professional success. Otherwise, you are likely to spend your days trying to live up to the expectations of others or mindlessly drifting from one job to the next. 

Of course, success itself means different things to different people. For some, earning more money and climbing the corporate ladder is a matter. For others, it is more about stretching their skills and contributing to society.  

Make your work life more satisfying and build ...

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6 Thought Provoking Questions To Break Free From Being Stuck

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Being stuck is like being in a dark hole. You want to climb out of it but can not see anything or find a rope or ladder. It overwhelms you with feelings of fear, anxiety, and confusion. The world seems to speed past while you stay exactly where you are. However, you realize the need to get out of your current situation, but you feel held back by an even stronger desire to do nothing to change your condition. 

The ...

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Networking Potential: How to Navigate a Room with Confidence

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Maybe you feel confident tweaking your LinkedIn profile, but your palms sweat when you think about building connections face-to-face. Nevertheless, with some planning and positive thinking, you can be just as poised at networking events as you are behind your computer screen. Go ahead and try these suggestions to work a room confidently. 

Steps to Take Before Your Networking Events 

  1. Do your research. Advanced research is a great solution whenever you want to calm your nerves and make a ...
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I choose to challenge myself.

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I am an adventurer, always looking for new challenges, opportunities, and chances to grow. These opportunities bring life to my soul and allow me to try new things. In this way, I learn about myself and what I am capable of achieving.

I choose to challenge myself whenever the opportunity arises. 

I love my life. I am happy, content, and fulfilled. It is my right to know I am loved and appreciated. However, my thirst for a challenge is not an attempt ...

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How to Choose a Career You Will Love

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Work is called work for a reason. However, the right career can help make your life more fulfilling. Making a wise choice can enable you to avoid misery and find a lifestyle you enjoy. 

The wrong choice can lead to financial challenges, and it’s not fun to go to a job you don’t like daily.  

Use these ideas to choose a career that’s right for you: 

  1. What do you like to do? Unless you’re fortunate, you’ll be working for quite a ...
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