
How to Project More Confidence at Job Interviews

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If you are not confident in yourself, why should an employer be confident in hiring you? Appearing more confident at job interviews will help you make a better impression and improve your chances of getting the job. These are some strategies to boost your confidence before, during, and after your interview. 

Before the Interview 

  1. Do your research. Learn everything available about the company. Additionally, set up a Google Alert to notify you of the latest news. Check your network to ...
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How to Choose a Career You Will Love

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Work is called work for a reason. However, the right career can help make your life more fulfilling. Making a wise choice can enable you to avoid misery and find a lifestyle you enjoy. 

The wrong choice can lead to financial challenges, and it’s not fun to go to a job you don’t like daily.  

Use these ideas to choose a career that’s right for you: 

  1. What do you like to do? Unless you’re fortunate, you’ll be working for quite a ...
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How To Ask for A Job Promotion, The Right Way

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Most people would love to get a promotion at least once or twice. It’s not just an opportunity to earn more money. A promotion is also a chance to put your skills to the test and explore different challenges.  

You might even find that promotion helps you achieve your dream job, where you spend more time doing the things you enjoy and less time on repetitive tasks. 

Unfortunately, getting the promotion you deserve isn’t always as simple as it seems. You can ...

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How To Dress For A Video Interview

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In an age of remote and hybrid work, it is becoming increasingly common for interviews to happen virtually. Most of today’s business leaders, hiring managers, and recruitment companies find they can save a lot of time and effort by conducting interviews via video. 

As of January 2021, approximately 79% of companies conduct video interviews regularly. That is good news for many job candidates. It means you do not have to travel to distant locations to find an office or risk getting ...

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How To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Attract Recruiters

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Almost 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search for candidates, but most job seekers overlook this valuable opportunity. If you are like many seeking a new career, you probably created a LinkedIn profile to send out job applications in attempts to crack the interview invite. Most of us are not aware of how much LinkedIn can help advance your career rather than just sending out an application.  

Take charge of your future and attract attention from potential employers. Follow these tips ...

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How to Set SMART Goals in 2022 

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What goals did you set for 2022? Do you find yourself struggling to accomplish your goals? Or maybe you’re someone who didn’t make goals for the new year because you’re still trying to achieve your goals from last year. One thing that is certain, we’ve all recently experienced enough “different” to last us a while. Covid-19 has brought many changes upon the world. People are taking it one day at a time simply because they aren’t sure of what tomorrow ...

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Do My Fears Limit My Success?

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“If the plan doesn’t work, change your plans. But keep your goal; it should not change.” 

What do you think is stopping you from experiencing massive success? The kind of success that happens to just a few people in a lifetime. The type of success that allows you to bless your family and loved ones? To create and perpetuate generational success means putting away all fears which so quickly derails us. 

Someone once said that fear is only “False Evidence Appearing Real.” ...

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Born to be a 10: The Journey to Success

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Have you ever wondered what you think about who you are? Many people are taught that their self-worth depends on their accomplishments, and their value in life is due to their contributions to society. When we do well, we are awesome; when that does not happen, we are losers. 

Is it any wonder an executive with a college education working in a high-rise building making a six-figure income feels like he is on top of the world? Conversely, a homeless man ...

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