Posts Tagged 'motivation'

Say Goodbye to Feeling Lonely at Work

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If you feel lonely at work, you’re not alone. In fact, it may be the natural result of technology that reduces face to face interactions and increases the number of remote employees.

It’s a subject that’s receiving more attention lately. Although, research suggests that loneliness affects the whole company as well as the individual employee. In addition to making you feel blue, it lowers your productivity and creates stress for the rest of your team.

Keep in mind ...

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How to Help Others Achieve Career Success

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One of the most rewarding experiences for many people is helping someone else achieve success. You can do this in many ways. Among the best is finding a way to help someone with their career. A fulfilling career can produce a lifetime of joy; you can help others experience that joy with some effort.  

When you help others achieve career success, you give them a priceless gift. There are many ways for you to help others advance their career in a ...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Conducting an Effective Training Session

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Maybe you’re nervous because your boss expects you to pull together a workplace training event, and this is your first time having to do something like this. Relax and use this step-by-step guide to prepare and lead a rewarding training session that will make participants want to come back for more. 

Preparing for Your Training Session 

  1. Clarify your purpose. Ensure your plans match up with company objectives. Be specific about what you want to achieve. 
  1. Strengthen your communications. ...
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I Find New Ways to Keep The Excitement in My Work

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There is dignity in doing work well. I take pride in any professional endeavor that I undertake, even when it feels tedious. I always find ways to enjoy the tedious side of tasks. 

My work environment is decorated in a way that keeps me happy. I like to have pictures of my loved ones around me. They are my inspiration to keep going. 

When I am reminded of who I am working to support, I proceed with energy and determination. I reward ...

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How To Master Your Job Search with These 3 Essential Strategies

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When looking for a job these days, installing the newest recruitment app or learning the most popular programming language may be the first thing that comes to mind. While these tactics are valuable, it also pays to remember simple steps that can be overshadowed by the latest job trends. 

Increase your chances of landing your dream job. Apply these 3 basic strategies to your employment hunt. 

Enhance Your Communications: 

The internet has made it easier to apply for jobs and gather relevant ...

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How to Network Like a Boss, Even if You’re Unemployed

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Networking is especially urgent when you’re out of work. However, that can also be the most difficult time to try to stay connected. You may feel uncomfortable discussing your situation, and you probably lack the money for expensive conferences and business lunches.

There are many ways to maintain and strengthen your professional network without shaking your confidence or draining your bank account. Try these ideas for reaching out to those who can help you advance your career.

Preparing to Network When ...

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Reflecting on Legacy and Impact: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so let’s take a moment to honor the life and legacy of one of the most influential figures in the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is not just a day off from work or school; it’s a day to reflect on the profound impact of Dr. King’s work and to consider how we, as a society and individuals, can continue to strive for equality and justice.

The Legacy of ...

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New Year, New Career: A Guide to Elevating Your Professional Journey in 2024 

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As the year comes to an end, the holidays season serves as the perfect time to reflect and renew your goals. In light of embracing the endless possibilities that the new year brings, let’s start a journey to elevate our professional lives as well as our personal lives. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up meaningful career opportunities and adopting habits that contribute to your success in 2024. 

Reflecting on the Past Year 

Before ...

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Quick Tips for Successful Career Development

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 Your manager, boss, or supervisor isn’t responsible for your career. While these people can give you access to more opportunities or help you grow – it’s up to you to decide what you’ll do to ensure your success.  

If you’re keen to make more of an impact in your chosen career, starting with some planning is essential. Ask yourself regularly what you want to accomplish in your professional life and take steps to figure out how you’re going to reach those ...

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How to Cope With Changes in Careers While Parenting

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Parenting and working can be highly challenging, especially when dealing with a career change. However, it’s important to remember that you are not alone on this journey. Without a doubt, there are plenty of people who want to see you succeed. 

Here are some tips to help you cope with changes in your career while parenting: 

  1. Do not be afraid to ask for help. There are many resources available to help you transition into a new career. Ask your ...
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