Career Choices

What is a Trial Work Period?

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The anticipation of rejoining the workforce can be frightening. You may be concerned that you will not be able to keep up with your coworkers or that your disability won’t allow you to perform in a way that shows you are excelling at the position.

It is essential to take a chance and see what you are capable of accomplishing. You may surprise yourself!

The best part of beginning the Trial Work Period is getting on the track to becoming self-sufficient. You ...

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To Work Remotely, or Not To…That is the Question?

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Working remotely has beyond exceeded our expectations about the impact of a global pandemic on our professional life. Some companies find out that working remotely increases productivity by up to 15% while reducing absenteeism by 25%.

While many employees are finding it beneficial to work from home, others not-so-much.  According to a recent survey, 88% favor working remotely as they realize the flexibility and freedom to make their hours.

Do you have what it takes to be a remote worker?

Although working remotely ...

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The Number One Reason Why You Probably Did Not Get the Job

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The number one reason why you probably did not get the job is:


As a Recruiter, one of the first few questions I usually ask a potential candidate is:

“What do you know about the position you are applying for?”

“What do you know about the company?”

“Why do you want to work for the company?”

The typical answers that I usually get are generic responses, such as:

“Well, I don’t know a lot about the position. Can you tell me more?”

“I hear that ...

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Finding Your Passion At Work

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It has been said that if you find a hobby that you enjoy and turn it into a career, you will never work a day in your life! Well, while that sounds blissful, that’s not entirely true. BUT, you will have a work life that is more enjoyable than what most people experience in their lifetime. Finding work that you love and are passionate about makes the days that are hard, easier to bear. In addition, you will be more ...

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Employers Are Our Customers Too

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FOR MORE THAN 14 YEARS, we have made and developed relationships with many employers throughout Los Angeles county. Our relationships are why we can produce 200 placements in two years, while similar programs could only achieve between 8 to 12 placements in a year. We are not gloating about our success, but we are VERY PROUD of the work we do.

In the past, some job-seekers have had a hard time keeping a job. That’s because many were not ...

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Choosing the Right Career

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Choosing the right career can be difficult. Job seekers are motivated to work for so many different reasons. One should select which career drives them the most. Each of us possesses our uniqueness, and we all have individual goals. Listed are a few common reasons some people choose specific careers, find your motivation, and choose the right job!

1. Income, Money
2. Working Conditions
3. Demands of the Job
4. Staff
5. Available Opportunities
6. Creativity
7. Goal Accomplishments
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Do You Know Where You Are Going?

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When starting your career planning strategy, the first thing we explain to our clients is, to begin with, the end in mind. You cannot get to where you are going without a clear understanding of where you are heading. Think about where it is you want to be in five or perhaps ten years. Once you have a clear vision of what your career and life should look like in that time, you can begin to implement the steps needed ...

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Developing Your Master Plan

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Identifying what interest’s you is key to achieving a successful job search and a successful career plan. It is essential to start narrowing down what you could envision yourself doing every single day. There are many fresh ways to map out your long-term strategy by honing in on your interest or hobbies.

For example, you like to sing and want to be a recording artist. That may be your ultimate goal, but not immediately available because you need money. ...

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National Forgiveness Day

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July 7th was National Forgiveness Day so let’s make an effort to always forgive the offenses of others and ourselves. July 7th and everyday throughout the year, many struggle with forgiveness in our personal or work life, it’s difficult. Polishing the Professional would like to leave you with the words of MLK, “Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.”

Forgiveness comes in all different forms. If you are harboring negative feelings toward yourself about failing to take ...

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4th of July

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The Fourth of July is the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

Polishing the Professional hopes you all had a safe and celebratory weekend.  The state of our country has enforced limited gatherings so we hope you all had a fun-filled day full of food, safety, and quality time with friends and family. Also, a moment to pay homage to those who sacrificed and continue to sacrifice for our freedoms.

While spending time with ...

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