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  • 4507 Maywood Ave Maywood Ca 90058
  • Open
  • Full Time
  • Warehousing

Job Description

Duties include to sort, pack and load equipment. Unload and sort merchandise.Warehouse workers receive, store, and ship merchandise that is kept in warehouses—buildings in which all kinds of goods are stored and protected from theft or deterioration. Commodities such as steel or wood sit in warehouses before they are used to create manufactured goods. Manufactured goods are often stored in warehouses between the time they are produced and the time they reach retail stores or customers. Many manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and transportation companies, as well as federal, state, and local government agencies, have their own private warehouses. Independently owned warehouses, sometimes called public warehouses, charge a fee for storage. Many warehouses are located in large cities with access to ports and freight terminals.
Short Discription
  • Job Type:

    Full Time
  • Posted On:

    24th May, 2010
  • Expected Salary:
